XML Viewer

The XML Viewer service can be used to browse the XML documents available in the XNGR XML Browser application. The user can select nodes by defining XPath expressions on the tool-bar. The selected nodes are highlighted and expanded. The amount of information visible when browsing can be changed to avoid clutter when browsing.


XPath Searches

The user can select nodes by defining a XPath expression on the tool-bar and pressing the Select button. The selected nodes are highlighted and expanded. Only nodes can be selected, XPath expressions that return Strings or booleans will not return any results.

A XPath search for elements without a namespace could look like this:

A XPath search for elements with a prefix looks like this:

To search XML with a default Namespaces, use the following expression:

When browsing through the nodes, the XPath for the current selected nodes is displayed in the XPath field (this can be used to select similar nodes) and the node's universal name is displayed on the status bar.

Hide/Show Comments, Attributes, namespaces and values

The amount of information visible when browsing can be changed. The browser can for instance only show the names of the elements without attributes, namespaces or element values or the browser can show all the elements with attributes but without namespaces and prefixes to avoid the clutter when browsing.

Note: Elements that have mixed content can not be expanded, the mixed content however is displayed with the same formatting, colors and font-styles as any of the 'normal' elements.